Digital DIY video series: innovators share their views
Listen to Sherry Huss, co-founder of Maker Faire, on the motivations of makers or to Tomas Diez, from the Fab City Research Lab in Barcelona, talking about the Fab City vision of the future. This new series of videos explores the digital DIY phenomenon first hand, through the eyes of leading innovators, entrepreneurs and makers, highlighting the key issues affecting online and offline creative making platforms and digital DIY projects.
Six short videos present digital DIY through themes that emerged from our research. They focus on the aspects that interviewees thought most important. The first three videos, titled: Creativity, Sharing, and Community provide insight into the dynamics of creativity and sharing in online and offline communities. Videos 4, 5 and 6, titled Entrepreneurship, Well-being, and Glimpses of the future, explain how digital DIY will potentially impact on every part of society from entrepreneurship and creative small business to well-being and sustainability.
Each video uses documentary footage and a research narrative to tell the digital DIY story. They include interview clips from 14 leading figures in the digital DIY world such as the testimony of makerspace innovators, creative entrepreneurs and leading research figures. They are an important contribution to understanding the digital DIY phenomenon.
Online Videos of case studies on social impact: Deliverable 5.1