Vittorio Satta
Vittorio Satta holds a Bachelor Degree in Electronics Engineering at the University of Cagliari (Italy) and a Master Degree in Management Engineering at the University Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC of Castellanza, Varese (Italy). He's in charge of the Learning and Education Activities for the MakerBot Innovation Center, placed in SmartUp - LIUC.
Between 2009 and 2014 he participated and organized several roadshows for the promotion of the LIUC University in the italian territories.
Researcher and Freelance Consultant involved in the field of additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping. He is interested in discovering new learning methodologies using new advanced "tools", for example 3D printers, openhardware devices, opensource software and so on.
After several years of collaboration, in 2015 he joined as a Contract Professor for the Management Engineering Faculty in LIUC.
Member of the Scientific Commettee of the RoboCup Jr Italia, an italian network of High Schools involved in Robotics.
Contact and further information
For full CV and social networks accounts, please ask me by e-mail.
Role in the DiDIY Project
Cooperates on the DiDIY work packages 1 and 8.