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DiDIY is also about changing work practices, and the DiDIYer is a persona with an innovative mindset.
WARNING: this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.
DiDIY is also about changing work practices, and the DiDIYer is a persona with an innovative mindset.
As you may already know, we are also studying the deep impacts that DiDIY (Digital DIY) has on organization and work, for the reasons explained in our Factsheet on this topic. Here is one more real world example of what we mean, and one more case study for our research:
In the workplace, the impact of Digital DIY is widespread across all sectors of the economy, and scarcely related to the skills of individuals. This means that Digital DIY has the potential to reshape work, and its organization, both for individuals and for companies of all sizes.