WARNING:this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.
Luca Mari, coordinator of DiDIY project, explains the "Strumenti digitali e creatività" to people attending the conference "Upgrade It! La Tecnologia per rinnovare la Scuola e creare nuove opportunità".
H. 09.30 -13.00 Sala Tramogge – Molini Marzoli Massari Viale Cadorna, Busto Arsizio – VA
These six videos explore the culture and ethos of Digital DIY. Each video looks at a key aspect that emerged during the case study research, in terms of broad social impact and through the first-hand accounts of leading voices within the field. Interviewees were chosen to represent a cross-section of makers, innovators, entrepreneurs who are closely involved with DiDIY activities, creativity and creative platforms, both online and offline. The videos aim to provide insight and understanding of this emerging sector from the viewpoint of participants.
The phenomenon of Digital Do It Yourself (DiDIY) brings disruptive innovations which affect professional producers as well as everyday citizens. Online connectivity, digital production and rapid prototyping enable people to create, promote and distribute all kinds of intangible and physical things where previously this would have been difficult or impossible.
LIUC – Università Cattaneo is involved in Maker Fest Genova, one out of many initiatives organized during the Fair of Maddalena. The aim of Maker Fest is celebrating the culture of technological do it yourself and offering a place where everybody can display the products of their creativity. An opportunity to discover the community of makers and their ideas to make the future simpler and funnier.
As you may already know, we are also studying the deep impacts that DiDIY (Digital DIY) has on organization and work, for the reasons explained in our Factsheet on this topic. Here is one more real world example of what we mean, and one more case study for our research: