WARNING:this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.
The Free Knowledge Institute will give a talk at the Swatantra 2017 Conference in Trivandrum, India, about Digital DIY and other proposals and projects about digital distributed manufacturing and social innovation. Talk abstracts and other details are here.
Presentation by Prof. Vincent C. Müller at "The Grammar of Things" (20th Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology) in Darmstadt, Germany.
Presentation by Dr Alexandre Erler, from the ACT research team, at the 31st European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare. Topic: ethical issues related to uses of the technology of 3D bioprinting "beyond therapy", including uses by "biohackers" that would involve a form of DiDIY.
Researchers from Lab#ID (at LIUC University) will attend the MEC-SPE Exhibition - area Fabbrica digitale Produzione e logistica, Pad. 5 - H 31) with a desk where they will give information on DiDIY project. Meet them at their desk.
MEC-SPE H. 9:00 - 17:30 Fiere di Parma - Viale delle Esposizioni 393A - 43126 Parma PR
Researchers from Lab#ID (at LIUC University) will attend the Human Factory Day on "Ricerca e Società Civile insieme per rispondere ai bisogni sociali. Sfide e opportunità per innovare" with a desk where they will give information on DiDIY project. Meet them at their desk. http://cascina.fondazionetriulza.org/document/3493/