1. TOOLKIT GUIDELINES Guidelines include suggestions and instructions for setting up the co-design session and how to use the tools to engage participants and facilitate the session.
WARNING: this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.
1. TOOLKIT GUIDELINES Guidelines include suggestions and instructions for setting up the co-design session and how to use the tools to engage participants and facilitate the session.
Digital DIY makes it much easier for everybody to produce physical objects of all kinds. Such a capability brings considerable challenges to our current ethical and legal systems, and to our very idea of what is (or should be) right or wrong: what happens when virtually everybody can copy objects of design, self-produce spare parts for products she already owns, or manufacture dangerous ones?
In the workplace, the impact of Digital DIY is widespread across all sectors of the economy, and scarcely related to the skills of individuals. This means that Digital DIY has the potential to reshape work, and its organization, both for individuals and for companies of all sizes.
From primary schools to universities, Digital DIY technologies are already generating new teaching and learning approaches both in and outside the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) domain.
Digital Do-It-Yourself (DiDIY) may be defined as the ensemble of all those manufacturing activities (and mindsets) that are made possible by digital technologies. DiDIY is accessible to more and more people every year thanks to the availability of hardware tools and other machines that: