open hardware

Vittorio Satta




Vittorio Satta holds a Bachelor Degree in Electronics Engineering at the University of Cagliari (Italy) and a Master Degree in Management Engineering at the University Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC of Castellanza, Varese (Italy). He's in charge of the Learning and Education Activities for the MakerBot Innovation Center, placed in SmartUp - LIUC.

BITalino, low-cost hardware and open source software toolkit

Smaller than a credit card, BITalino is a low-cost hardware and open source software toolkit, aligned with the DIY (do-it-yourself) movement. It enables anyone to create quirky and serious projects alike for wearable health tracking devices. The base kit includes sensors to measure your muscles, heart, nervous system, motion, and ambient light—and it includes a microcontroller, Bluetooth, power management module, and all the accessories needed to start working.


Piccolo, the tiny CNC-bot

Piccolo is a pocket sized open source CNC-bot. Using laser-cutting, off-the-shelf hardware and Arduino, you can make your own simple 3 axis robot. Attach a brush or pen to make a quick drawing robot, or extend Piccolo with sensors, custom toolheads, or by using multiple Piccolos together. Experiment with 2D or 3D digital fabrication at a small scale!

Complete article: Piccolo website
