WARNING:this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.
Here's a message from Michigan Tech's researcher and lecturer Joshua Pierce:
In an attempt to make patents even marginally useful we have just created an open source free inactive patent search. Roughly 1/2 of US patents become inactive before the 20 year mark because owners don't pay fees on time.
Digital DIY creates new rights and responsibilities for its practitioners and technology producers, but also for its (maybe unaware!) end users, that is for everybody who uses, or is "exposed to" any product manufactured thanks to Digital DIY.
As explained in Work Package 6, we will study the rights and responsibilities that users and producers of DiDIY technologies have and how current legislation affects them and vice versa.
This WP will study the rights and responsibilities that users and producers of DiDIY technologies have and how current legislation affects them and vice versa.