WARNING:this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.
The World Maker Faire is a great event to find out new emerging Do It Yourself technologies.
Last October, OLO was announced in New York: OLO is a new 3D printer for smartphones. OLO hardens the photosensitive resin inside OLO's build chamber to print the 3D model, using the light released by the flat screen of the smartphone.
The idea is born by two Italians, Filippo Moroni e Pietro Gabriele, reaching more than 2mln of funding to date.
Isn't it great when Digital DIY empowers everybody to go beyond stereotypes and make something that really fits their actual interest, priorities and needs?
Young aspiring entrepreneurs from East Africa developed ICT applications targeting agriculture. The winners and some best participants are currently being incubated and coached in partner ICT innovation centers to fine-tune their products, their business strategies and prepare the roll-out of the applications.