WARNING:this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.
The current trend of self-production activities is reshaping the role of professional designers in a society where everyone does design. Manzini – one of the most acknowledged researcher in the design field – investigated this topic in his recent book (2015). At the presentation of the book, the author stressed that designers should improve the capability of people to create their own biographies.
To this end, designers can contribute by designing ‘enabling solutions’, i.e.
Amateurs committed to self-production (i.e. Do-It-Yourself or, simply, DIY) are reshaping the relationship between production and consumption. The spreading of this trend suggests scenarios in which non-professional people are, or will be, able to create artefacts. The socio-cultural changes fostered by the development of open-source and digital technologies have introduced a significant shift towards the revival of making and crafting, thus fostering creativity, sustainability and customization.