Meet the DiDIY project at the European Maker Week
The European Maker Week is an initiative promoted by European Commission, whose goals are:
- draw European citizens to the “Maker world” and the FabLab, Makerspaces, Hackersapce and the Hardware Startups Environment
- create awareness about the importance of the maker culture, to foster an education of creativity and innovation in all schools across Europe.
- build bridges between local authorities and media and the main players of their own local makers ecosystems
The Digital DIY (DIDIY) Project will participate to the European Maker Week, by organizing the three events listed below. Please spread the word, and stay tuned for further updates!
Creativity from technology: a challenge for education
May 30th 2016, 3pm, Castellanza: DiDIY Partner LIUC will present two projects aimed at "exploring, experimenting, and disseminating information on the use of digital tools for promoting creativity of students and improving their learning processes. The intended participants are then mainly high school teachers and students. One of the projects is DiDIY, the other is called LAB.INT. For all logistic details, please see the page of this event on the EMW website.
Open Meeting: Legal and regulatory barriers to large-scale digital DIY
May 30th 2016, 4:30pm, Rome:
Can the "Makers Revolution" exit makerspaces, to really reach and benefit the WHOLE society? What are the main obstacles towards that goal, as far as laws and regulations are concerned?
The current legal and regulatory (insurance, product liability, quality control, etc) European landscape is NOT really friendly for makers, or compatible with their mindset, because it is conceived for, and enforces, a complete and rigid separation between (large) manufacturing companies on one side, and mere consumers on the others.
We will give some presentations of the main regulatory/legal challenges awaiting makers in the next years, followed by panels in which all attendants can work with experts (makers, IP lawyers, insurance/product liability experts, representatives of trade unions and consumer associations ...) to learn more about these issues, and build together a "map" that shows what they are, and how they are connected. For further information and logistic details, please see the separate post about this meeting.
Creativity workshop - Exploring digital technologies with teachers
June 1st, 2016, 10am, Milan: DiDIY Partner POLIMI, with the assistance of Ab.Acus, offera co-design workshop for teachers, to explore the potential of digital technologies (e.g. additive manufacturing, coding and Open source) to empower students’ creativity. The workshop will investigate and build scenarios of using technology in school through design thinking methods and tools. For further information and logistic details, please see the page of this event on the EMW website.