Elena Falletti
Elena Falletti is full-tenured lecturer of comparative private law at the School of Law of the University "Cattaneo – LIUC", Castellanza (VA), Italy. She carried out her PhD in Comparative Law at the University "Statale" in Milan in 2006. When she was PhD candidate she gained a DAAD Stipendium and a Marie Curie Fellowship at the Westfälische Wilhelm-Universität Münster (Germany). After that, she gained a post - doctoral Fellowship at the Max Planck Institut für Geistiges Eigentum of Munich (Germany). She published several articles in peer-reviewed journals and publications and undertook experiences of teaching and research in Australia (2013), Austria (2003, 2014), China (2010), France (2003, 2007), Germany (2012, 2013), Iceland (2011), Israel (2015), Latvia (2013), Luxembourg (2006), Mozambique (2008), Netherland (2006, 2013), Poland (2016), Slovenia (2014), Spain (2014),, Taiwan (2012), United Kindgom (2003, 2006, 2013, 2014, 2016), United States (2009, 2011, 2014).
Contact Information
efalletti (at) liuc.it
Role in the DiDIY Project
Researcher in the WP6