WARNING:this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.
(this is a guest post by the Arrhenius team, whom we met at the Rome Maker Faire 2016)
Arrhenius Wear is a neoprene hot body wrap, which includes a Nichel-Chromium band that can heat up thanks to a simple set of three 3,7 V and 2500 mAh batteries set in a special case.
(LIUC student Lorenzo Di Fulvio decided to focus his master's research on the themes of DiDIY and Education. This guest post by Lorenzo is a presentation of his thesis "Education in the DiDIY Era: Implications and Opportunities")
IDEActivity Center of the Design dept. at Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) opens the call for the participation at the second series of ‘Digital DIY inspiring future’ workshop - as part of the Digital Do It Yourself project activities.
(Preface: we visited Maker Faire Rome 2016, and invited the most interesting Digital DIY projects we found there to present themselves here on the DiDIY blog. We are happy to do so (SEE BELOW!), because on one hand, it helps us to collect relevant material for our mission, all in one place. On the other, it helps all our readers to understand how wide and dynamic the Digital DIY phenomenon is.
Digital Do-It-Yourself (DiDIY) in the context of education is the activity of building or customizing physical or digital objects and media contents using digital tools, empowering the pupils toward a self-paced educational experience.