WARNING: this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.
Luca Mari, coordinator of DiDIY project attends the International conference “IoTnow Everything but hype” (during the Milan Disruptive week) where he talks in the session “Overview of IoT key issues, opportunities and threats”:
Luca Mari, coordinator of DiDIY project attends the International conference “IoTnow Everything but hype” (during the Milan Disruptive week) where he talks in the session “Overview of IoT key issues, opportunities and threats”:
The Things Network is an initiative to build a distributed wireless data network for connecting "things" to the net, fully owned and controlled by its users. The Internet of Things (IoT) typically consists of electronic devices with sensors and actuators that transmit small bits of data to the net. The Things Network (TTN) uses a free spectrum radio technology called LoRaWAN, that is Long Range, using low bandwidth and low power.
GULLP ( Gruppo Utenti Linux Lonate Pozzolo ) is now providing an "hackspace" in Volandia ( the biggest European Flight Museum).
The Lab temporarily labeled "Volandia LAB" is focused on flight technologies, unmanned aerial veihcles, Drones, and all related technologies. We use as well 3D Printing technologies to integrate, produce drone parts and for research scopes. Activities also integrates research and projects in the Internet of Things and Hardware field in general.