Introducing DiDIY D4.5 “Strategic Plan”
(to know and discuss the conclusions of our H2020 research, please participate to the DiDIY Final Conference "Digital Makers – Making a Difference?")
WARNING: this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.
(to know and discuss the conclusions of our H2020 research, please participate to the DiDIY Final Conference "Digital Makers – Making a Difference?")
Observing the current situation of formal and informal educational systems across Europe, it emerges that societies have been working to fill the between traditional school education and emerging societal needs by adopting novel, and potentially revolutionizing, solutions. In recent years, a “holistic” approach to education has been gaining momentum.
Digital Do-It-Yourself (DiDIY) in the context of education is the activity of building or customizing physical or digital objects and media contents using digital tools, empowering the pupils toward a self-paced educational experience.
Biomedical engineer graduated at Polytechnic of Milan, with a master specialization in Electronic Technologies.
She worked on a project in collaboration with NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) developing a model for the biomechanical analysis of countermeasure exercise on board the International Space Station, in order to prevent the muscle deconditioning in microgravity environment.